I flung my door open to find Jaime
standing outside.
Immediately after my outing with Connor
I'd sent Jaime a 911 text. Fast forward to an hour later and here he
was. Oh Jaime, if only you weren't gay!
“I need an IV of gossip, STAT!”
Jaime slapped two fingers on his forearm as he walked inside. He
dropped his over-night bag on the floor and jumped onto the couch.
He'd spent the weekend with his parents and came straight over to my
place after I'd sent him the text. “Seriously, Linda and Tom have
sucked me dry of all things fun. I need something, now!”
“Whoa! Hold your briches, it's not
that juicy!” I plopped down next to Jaime and handed him a can of
Dr. Pepper. “I just needed your help figuring something out.”
Jaime hesitantly opened his can of
soda, “Well, what is it?”
I went on to tell him everything that
happened between last night up until an hour ago. “I just don't
know what to do. A part of me is saying I should give myself some
time, and the other is curious to know more about Connor.”
We sat in silence for a moment while we
thought to ourselves. Jaime opened his mouth as if to say something,
but then stopped. He did it again. And then finally spoke on the
third attempt. “This is hard.”
“You're telling me!” I threw my
hand in the air and leaned my head onto the couch pillow.
“Do you even like Connor?” Jaime
asked curiously.
“I don't know,” I stared down at my
can and ran my finger around the edges. “I thought he was cute when
I first met him. Then, I thought he was such a douche bag because of
everything that happened afterward. And now that I'm learning more
about him, he's turning out to be a decent guy.”
“Good luck figuring it out” Jaime
got up from his seat and walked into the kitchen.
“Jaime!” I called after him.
He rummaged through my pantry until he
found some snacks. He came back over to sit down and poured out a
variety bag of candy in the space between us. “I'm only eating
these because I'm a good friend and I can't let you get fat.”
I sighed and looked over at him, still
waiting for an answer. Jaime rolled his eyes, “Fine, you want to
know what I think?”
“Please” I mumbled, sarcastically.
Jaime shot a side eye glance before he
went on. “I think you're going to do whatever it is you want.
You're just looking for me to reassure you, and I'm not going to.”
“Well then” I folded my arms across
my chest. Jaime and I stared at each other as I reached over for a
Snickers. He slapped my hand so hard it fell from my grip. Instead he
picked it up, tore off the wrapper, and ate it.
“I hope you get fat” I whispered.
Jaime's eyes widened as he gasped loudly. It was so dramatic we both
ended up laughing until we fell over.
“You might as well join me,” He
tossed me a mini Milky Way. “Look Lynn, I saw how hurt you were
that night over Jonah. I don't want the same thing happening with
Connor. “ He popped the last bite of his candy into his mouth
before he finished. “But, this is exactly why we established the
three date rule.”
“So you think I should use those
three dates to see if Connor is someone I really like or not?” I fiddled with the Milky Way in my hands.
“Exactly! Don't put yourself into
anything exclusive until you know for sure.” Jaime gave me another stern look.
Suddenly remembering Lacey's wedding, I turned towards him,“Speaking of dates, what are you
doing next weekend?”
“Nothing that I know of, why?” He looked concerned.
“How would you like to be my plus one
for a wedding? My friend in Texas is getting married.”
“Is Joshua going to be there?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Oh, hell yeah you can count me in!”
Jaime excitedly cheered. He grew quiet when he saw the look on my
face. “What? You know I love drama...”
It was already past midnight when Jaime
and I were done catching up. Jaime had an early morning shift at the
hospital. So, he ended up staying the night in order to get to his
clinical on time.
Monday morning wasn't very kind. I woke
up with my eyes half opened and a throbbing headache. I pulled on a
sweatshirt and jeans and did the zombie walk all the way to class.
“Oh dear God!” Sarah whispered,
disgusted. “Bad weekend?”
“Late night” I tried saying before
letting out a yawn. I looked around and noticed Sarah was alone.
“Where's Henry?”
“He figured since all the lectures
are online and we didn't have any assignments to turn in that he'd
stay home with Poppy today.” Sarah spoke without breaking
concentration from the front board.
I winced at the thought of Poppy.
The rest of the day dragged on. During
our break Sarah and I went down the street to grab some coffee and
crepes. We went back to class and then our study group shortly after.
The sun had began to nestle itself between the City's tall buildings
as I headed down into the subway. It was out of sight, only leaving behind orange and pink hues where it once sat by the time I'd made my way out and on to my street.
Since I was going to be out of town
over the weekend I figured I'd spend a few extra hours studying every
night. It was going great until Connor texted me on Thursday asking
me over for dinner. I figured I had to eat anyway so a couple hours
break wouldn't hurt.
After our study group I headed straight
over. “What's on the menu?” I greeted him with a hug as he opened
his door.
“Italian” He smiled and hugged me
As Connor plated the food I set the
dinner table and poured out a couple of glasses of wine. I sat down
and waited for him to clean up and take a seat. I rested my head on
my hand as I admired Connor in the kitchen. His buttoned down shirt
was still neatly tucked into his slacks. He seemed to be doing
everything so effortlessly.
Once he sat down, we began eating
dinner. “Oh my God, Connor.” I covered my mouth as I chewed.
“This is so good!” I pointed at my plate. Connor had made
baked Italian chicken and a side of pesto pasta. He smiled at my
After we were done we grabbed our
glasses of wine and went into his living room. I gawked over all of
his pictures he'd printed and framed around his apartment. Ice
glaciers in Greenland, White sand beaches of Bora Bora, poor children
in the streets of India. I was thoroughly impressed.
“Photography was a hobby I picked up
in high school. I was on the school news paper.” Connor noticed my
fascination with his pictures. “I stopped when I was in college,
but then started again when I was traveling the world. I was always
so captivated by the things I saw that I just wanted a way to bring
back those memories with me.”
“That’s so sweet” I whispered as
my finger lingered across a frame. Connor pulled my arm to sit down
on his couch.
He sat down, only inches away from me. I
was scared to look up at him, knowing that things would go
differently if I did. I felt his eyes on me. They moved from my face
down to my neck. I was startled as his hand
tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. His hand crept around my shoulders, finally
resting with his fingertips just above my chest. He felt my heart
beat racing. His nose brushed up against my ear and he softly
whispered, “What's wrong?” I felt my breath becoming more and
more shallow as I fought the urge to look over at him.
I stammered to find the right words,
“I...I...I think we should take this slow.”
“Why?” He whispered back. His mouth
had moved from my ear down to my neck. My body was covered in goosebumps
as his warm breath touched my skin. “I want you, and you want me.
Let's just go for it, Lynn.” he kissed my neck as he said my name.
It took every bone in my body to pull
myself away. “I'm sorry Connor. But, if you want to get to know me.
We can't do this.”
Connor let out an aggravated sigh and
leaned away from me. “We can be exclusive and still get to know
each other.”
“But first I need to know you're
someone I want to be exclusive with.” Connor furrowed his brows at
my words. He wasn't too happy to hear what I had to say. Catching the
sudden drift I stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter to
grab my purse.
“Where are you going?” Connor
“I want to get to know you Connor,
but I don't think we're on the same page. I think I should give you
some space to think about it. If you really want to be with me, we
have to take it slow.”
He stood up and met me by the door. As
I was walking away he grabbed my wrist. I stopped and looked back at
him. His eyes were begging me to stay. I had to stand up for myself
and stop falling for his demands. I shook my wrist free and walked out the door.
LOVE Jaime! He's so funny! And I'm really proud of Lynn for telling Connor what she wants and standing up for herself. It's not easy to walk away from a charming hot doctor who's good in bed ;) I like Connor and I think he's a good guy, but whether or not he can respect Lynn's wishes to take things slow will be a sign of his character. It shouldn't be so difficult if he really does want to get to know her. Jonah respected Lynn and her emotions when they first met, and she didn't even have to ask him to! He was a gentleman to her and wanted to get to know her, so he put off the physical stuff until they were both sure about each other. I hope Connor can do the same. Anyways, I'm really excited for the wedding! Glad she's taking Jaime!
Excellent post! I like that she's sticking to her 3 date rule and not just letting him have what he wants. I'm beginning to really like conner, but that being said still desperately want something to work out with her and Jonah! -- Lisa
ReplyDeleteLike always awesome post! totally agree with Lynn on this one. standing up for yourself is very rewarding ;). Hopefully Connor would appreciate this.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up the good writing .
Much love,
I don't know if I could have walked away. The three-date rule with someone you just met is one thing, but Lynn KNOWS Connor in the biblical sense. Good for her.
ReplyDeleteSo glad Jamie is going to be accompanying Lynn to the wedding. I'm ready for some drama with Joshua. So fun.
So spill....did you initially have Jamie going to the wedding, or did you change it up because of the commenters?? mum
Okay, okay, originally (without thought put into it) I wanted Jonah to go with her. But I knew that would complicate the story. So, I wrote it out with Jaime accompanying her. Then I heard everyone's input and changed it to Connor, but then I figured you were right, I should probably stick to my original script and go with Jaime. So, Jaime it is!
DeleteGood for you! While I know you want to please your readers, this is your story, girl! We will be with you wherever YOU decide to take us! mum
DeleteI loved it! Glad she stood up for herself. Go, Lynn!
Ugh why does Lynn want to take Jaime? I'd much rather her take Connor. I know he's kinda pushing her for more than she wants to give at the moment, but you can't help but feel for him. They've already slept together and been intimate and now Lynn doesn't want to do those things with him right now. It's like dangling a bone in front of a dog. Poor guy.
ReplyDeleteI really like and enjoy the post but I think she needs to stop running away from Connor before he is done with her all together!! I really like him I want this thing between them to work out a little bit..
ReplyDeleteWell, I kinda agree with all the comments but Lynn needs to figure out what & who she wants before she sleeps with Connor or she'll never figure it out. If Connor can't wait, you got the answer! I'd rather Lynn be wishy washy now versus later.
ReplyDeleteWedding should be fun w Jamie around there just won't be any hot sex!!
I love that Jamie is going to the wedding. It won't be complicated, just good friends enjoying each others company...although Joshua doesn't have to know that! I think it is good she is making Connor work for it. It's not just a booty call anymore. If he wants a real relationship with Lynn, he needs to take it slow and get to know her better. I'm still rooting for Jonah though.